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Botanical Name           : Ziziphus mauritiana

English Name               : Indian jujube, Indian plum 

Tamil Name                  : இலந்தை  / ilanthai vatral  

Hindi Name                  :  बेर पत्ते / Ber patte

Malayalam Name        : ലാന്റ  / Lanta, Lantakkura

Telugu Name                : రేగి ఆకూ / Regi aku


About  Ilanthai Vatral ( Indian jujube ):-

        Ber/ilanthai is a small or medium-sized subtropical tree, popular for its small berry-like fruit. It grows wild in forests and also on wastelands throughout the mid-hills up to elevations of 1,400 meters. The small fruits are liked by children as well as by adults. A small spreading tree, with drooping branches; height, 5 to 8 meters; trunk girth, 85 cm; bark, rough, gray or dull black, irregularly cracked, covered with a thick layer of green moss in the case of older trees and, thus, looking green. Leaves, ovate, petiolate (petiole, 5 mm long), having very fine serration, 3.8 cm long, 2.9 cm broad, dark green and shining from above, white tomentose from beneath. The flowers are yellowish and born in clusters along the leaf axils and this is shortly followed by the rounded fruit which can be anywhere from three-quarters of an inch to an inch-and-a-half in size. Trees are easily propagated by seeds, however, seedlings take two to three years to start fruit production.


Internal Benefits of  Ilanthai Vatral ( Indian jujube dried):- 

Diuretic:, acute and chronic renal failure, sciatica, kidney stones, lymphatic swelling, glaucoma, liver disorders, and many more diseases. This herb works as a natural diuretic. Natural diuretics work by stimulating the kidney to produce more urine by reducing the amount of water and salts that the kidney reabsorbs into the bloodstream. This improves the functioning of tissues and organs, and also, prevents fluids from accumulating in tissue matrices.

  • It also used to cure Rheumatism, Diabetes, lowering blood sugar level, Dysentery


External Benefits of  Ilanthai  ( Indian jujube fruit Dried):-

Indian jujube is used externally for,

  • Eye diseases
  • Hair Care
  • Skincare
  • Wounds


Procurement & Agriculture Method:

 90% of Our Herbs are Wild crops and 100% organic by nature, the remaining 10% are organically grown, dried, and pulverized with no chemical or preservatives.



 The Consumption details and benefits listed out on our website are taken from Tamil ancient books and Siddha records, as well as its been further fine-tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Anyhow you are requested to consult your doctor before use.