Karuppu Kavurni Arisi / Black Rice (Raw)
Karuppu Kavuni rice has 18 amino acids, zinc that counts for immunity, iron that counts for carrying oxygen and the list goes like, copper, anthocyanin, carotene and several important vitamins. Kavuni arisi is suitable to prepare pongal, Dosa, Idly, Paniyaaram, Puttu,etc..
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About Karuppu Kavuni Arisi:-
Karuppu Kavuni rice has 18 amino acids, zinc that counts for immunity, iron that counts for carrying oxygen and the list goes like, copper, anthocyanin, carotene, and several important vitamins. Kavuni arisi is suitable to prepare Pongal, Dosa, Idly, Paniyaaram, Puttu, etc..
Health Benefit of Karuppu Kavuri Arisi:-
- Ideal component for diabetic’s diet and weight loss
- Prevention of heart disease
- Really healthy with a cholesterol-lowering effect
- Prevention of heart disease
- Improve damaged liver cells and prevent renal disease
- High blood pressure, circulation, and overall blood health also seem to be maintained
- If taken black rice during pregnancy leads to normal delivery
- It increases the production of breast milk
Procurement & Agriculture Method :-
90% of Our Herbs are Wild crops and 100% organic by nature; the remaining 10% are organically grown, dried, and pulverized with no chemicals or preservatives.
The Consumption details and benefits listed on our website are taken from Tamil ancient books and Siddha records, as well as its been further fine-tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Anyhow you are requested to consult your Doctor before use.