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Benefits of the Product:

  • Traditionally, cooking in iron utensils is good for health.
  • When the food is cooked in iron vessels, it reacts with the metal surface. As a result, iron minerals get released into the food.
  • Iron cookware is an excellent conductor of heat, it can maintain high temperatures for long periods, promoting even cooking of food.
  • It enhances the taste of food.
  • A huge lifespan compares to any modern utensils.

Method of usage:

  • Wash the vessel with running water without applying any soaps
  • Apply two tablespoons of salt and rub it completely
  • Wipe the pan with a clean dry cloth or let it dry
  • Apply regular cooking oil to the surface
  • Place it on the stove with a low flame for 5 minutes
  • The process shall be repeated for effective seasoning

Package Specification:

Model Name

Pure Iron Square Dosa Tawa 12 inch | Wooden Handle


Pure Iron

Dimensions (Length * Height)

12 * 0.5 inch


4.5 kg

Country of Manufacture
