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Botanical Name            :    Acalypha Paniculata
English Name                :    Indian nettle / Indian Acalypha
Tamil Name                   :    குப்பைமேனி / Kuppaimeni
Hindi Name                   :    खोकली / खोकला / Khokali/ Khokali/ Khokla/ Khokli
Malayalam Name         :    കുപ്പമേനി, കുപ്പി,കുപ്പിഖോഖലി / Kuppameni, Kuppi, Kuppikhokhali
Telugu Name                 :    మూర్కొనద / మురుకొండ / కుప్పి చెట్టు / Moorkonda/murkonda/kuppi Chettu


About Kuppaimeni (Indian Acalypha) :-

     Kuppaimeni is known as Indian nettle or Indian acalypha. It is also called ”பூனை  வணங்கி | பூனை மயக்கி” in Tamil because the plants have a strong effect on cats. Acalypha Paniculata is the scientific name of Indian nettle, Also known as a ‘folk remedy for its popularity in folklore all over the world, the plant is often uprooted as a weed. It holds within itself a number of health benefits

     The plant grows to its full potential of around 1 to 2 m during summers and has widely spread bright yellow rhizomes and stolon. The plant has very fine, thin hair around its stem and leaves, which are painful to touch and sting badly. That is where the name stinging nettle comes from. But once you look beyond the stinging, the nettle leaf is chock full of nutrients and can give your body a ‘sting’ of good health. Its root, leaves, seeds, and flowers all have different benefits and are used for treating many diseases.

    But people who have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency should not consume kuppaimeni as it can lead to hemolysis. Also, kuppaimeni has anti-fertility properties so if you are planning on pregnancy, don’t internally consume kuppaimeni.

Internal Benefits of Kuppaimeni (Indian Acalypha):-

  • It is utilized for treating Brain related ailments namely, Alzheimer's disease.
  • It is helpful in combating Internal Bleeding such as uterine bleeding, nosebleeds, and bowel bleeding. 
  • It is useful in treating osteoarthritis.
  • It cures Nerve related disorders like Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Neuralgia, Multiple Sclerosis, and Sciatica. 
  • It alleviates Anemia and Tiredness.
  • It is favorable in keeping away Cardiovascular disorders thus, promoting proper Blood Circulation. It detoxifies Blood. 
  • It treats enlarged spleen.
  • It is helpful in treating dysentery. 
  • It relieves Allergic symptoms like Hay Fever, Hives.
  • It is useful as a blood purification herb
  • It cures Throat Infections like Laryngitis.
  • It relieves lung congestion
  • It is favorable in treating Hyperthyroidism.
  • It alleviates Respiratory ailments like Cough, Bronchitis, Chest Congestion, Asthma, TB. 
  • It curbs High Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Level.
  • It efficiently works on strengthening the Immunity
  • Stinging Nettle counters Bladder infections and the formation of Kidney Stone. It helps in avoiding and dissolving Kidney Stones.
  • It is advantageous in getting rid of the invasion of Intestinal worms and parasites
  • Stinging Nettle is a good herbal remedy for Women as it eases Labor Pains. It elevates the production of milk and nourishes the fetus.
  • It is beneficial in curing Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia which may result in the enlargement of the Prostate Gland. It alleviates Prostatitis. 
  • It possesses Diuretic properties thus, it increases the Urine flow. It counters the problem of Bed Wetting in Children.
  • It alleviates Muscle Pain and Joint Stiffness. Its leave relieves the condition of Gout, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Inflammation of the Tendons. 
  • Stinging Nettle's tea is beneficial in countering Diarrhea.
  • It curbs Edema as it shows diuretic-like action. 
  • It eases out the Swollen Piles.
  • It acts as a general health tonic.

External Benefits of Kuppaimeni (Indian Acalypha):-

  • It is effective in getting rid of Hair troubles like Dandruff, Hair fall, Baldness. It adds shine and promotes the growth of the Hair
  • Stinging Nettle is a good herbal remedy for Skin problems like Acne, Eczema, Cuts, Scraps. It is effective in curing Burns and Wounds.
  • It is utilized as a Mouth Wash to keep away Gingivitis, Mouth Sores, and Plaque.


How to consume Kuppaimeni (Indian Acalypha) Internally:-

  • Morning - Mix 5 gms of powder in 100 ml water, Boil the content for a few minutes. once the water gets warm, filter the content and drink it before food. Repeat the same for Evening Dosage after dinner. 
  • Consuming nettle leaf tea regularly helps in curing many stubborn skin diseases including eczema. Drink 2-3 cups of nettle tea a day, which will cleanse your body of toxins and unmask the beautiful you.

How to Apply Kuppaimeni (Indian Acalypha) Externally:-

  • You can also apply the tincture of nettle leaf topically for quick healing of patchy rashes that accompany eczema.


Procurement & Agriculture Method :

    90% of Our Herbs are wild crops and 100% organic by nature, the remaining 10% are organically grown, dried, and pulverized with no chemical or preservatives.



    The Consumption details and benefits listed out on our website are taken from Tamil ancient books and Siddha records, as well as its been further fine-tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Anyhow you are requested to consult your doctor before use.

குப்பைமேனி  மருத்துவ பயன்கள்: .

  • மார்புச்சளி
  • சுவாச காசம்,
  • தோல் நோய்கள் குணமாக
  • இரத்தத்தை சுத்தப்படுத்தும்
  •  கீல்வாதம் முதலியவைகளைப் போக்கும்