Manathakkali / Wonder Berry Powder
Manathakkali, called The black nightshade, is a small, erect, and delicate annual herb with soft and smooth stems and branches. It grows diffusely with several arching branches up to one meter in height. The plant has alternate, egg-shaped, elliptic leaves; white, cream, or violet flowers in clusters, purple or black fruit when ripe; with blue or black seeds. Black nightshade consists of moisture 82.1 percent, protein 5.9 percent, fat 1.0 percent, minerals 2.1 percent, and carbohydrates 8.9 percent per 100 grams.
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Botanical Name : Solanum Nigrum
English Name : Wonder Berry
Tamil Name : மனத்தக்காளி / Manathakkali
Hindi Name : मकोई / Makoi
Malayalam Name : മുളക് -തക്കാളി / Mulaku-thakkali
Telugu Name : కసక / Kasaka
About Manathakkali (Wonder Berry):-
The Black Nightshade is a small, erect, and delicate annual herb with soft and smooth stems and branches. It grows diffusely with several arching branches up to one meter in height. The plant has alternate, egg-shaped, elliptic leaves; white, cream, or violet flowers in clusters, purple or black fruit when ripe; with blue or black seeds. Black nightshade consists of moisture 82.1 percent, protein 5.9 percent, fat 1.0 percent, minerals 2.1 percent, and carbohydrates 8.9 percent per 100 grams. The minerals and vitamins present in it include calcium, iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C.
Internal Benefits of Manathakkali (Wonder Berry):-
- The leaves juice is used as a medicine for liver and pancreas infections.
- The juice can be taken for piles problem and neerkovai problem.
- Juice is the best medicine for all types of skin infections and allergies.
- For women: During pregnancy, It improves digestion and reduces the vomiting sensation.
- It has nutrition values, presence of vitamins and minerals improves the health status during pregnancy time.
- The leaves of black nightshade are effective in the treatment of digestive disorders.
- The plant helps in removing catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes in asthma patients.
- The fruits of the plant can also be used beneficially in treating asthma. It is useful in the treatment of dropsy.
- It increases the secretion and discharge of urine.
- Either it can be used as decoction or as a vegetable in the treatment of this disease.
External Benefits of Manathakkali (Wonder Berry):-
- It treats joint pain problems, cures pimples, and acne, and is used to reduce body pain.
How to Consume Manathakkali (Wonder Berry) Internally:-
Morning - Mix 5 gms of powder in 100 ml water, Boil the content for a few minutes. once the water gets warm, filter the content and drink it before food. Repeat the same for Evening Dosage after dinner.
How to Apply Manathakkali (Wonder Berry) Externally:-
The leaves paste is used to treat joint pain problems. The leaves paste is also used to treat pimples and acne. Application of the juice for the whole body and leaving for 2 to 3 hours can reduce the body pain.
Procurement & Agriculture Method:
90% of Our Herbs are Wild crops and 100% organic by nature, the remaining 10% are organically grown, dried, and pulverized with no chemical or preservatives.
The Consumption details and benefits listed out on our website are taken from Tamil ancient books and Siddha records, as well as its been further fine-tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Anyhow you are requested to consult your doctor before use.
மணதக்காளி மருத்துவ பயன்கள்:
- வயிற்றில் ஏற்படும் புண்களைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தும்
- இளைப்பு பிரச்னை குணமாகும்.
- உடலில் உள்ள கெட்ட நீரை வெளியேற்றும்
- சிறுநீரகம் சீராக
- உடலின் வெப்பம் தணியும்