Thotta Sinungi/ Sensitive Plant / Sleepy Plant Powder
Mimosa pudica also commonly called as touch me not plant. It is a sensitive plant in English and called Thotta Chinnugi in Tamil. The plant is covered in thorns with beautiful pink flowers and small green leaves that close or droop when touched.
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Botanical Name : Mimosa Pudica
English Name : Sensitive Plant / Sleepy Plant,
Tamil Name : தொட்டா சிணுங்கி / Thotta Sinungi
Hindi Name : लजालू / Lajalu
Malayalam Name : ടിന്റര്മാണി / Tintarmani
Telugu Name : అత్థాపత్తి / Attaapatti
About Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant / Sleepy Plant ):-
Mimosa pudica also commonly called as touch me not plant. It is a sensitive plant in English and called Thotta Sinnugi in Tamil. The plant is covered in thorns with beautiful pink flowers and small green leaves that close or droop when touched. It is a plant that is found commonly in many countries. It is considered a weed and can be commonly found in wastelands.
Internal Benefits of Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant / Sleepy Plant ):-
- Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant) Wound Healing Activity: Traditionally the leaf extract made by grinding the leaves with little water and extracting the juice is used for treating wounds.
- Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant) Anti Venom Activity: The water extract of the Thotta Sinungi dried root powder proved that it is very good at inhibiting the activity of the snake venom.
- Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant) For Ulcers: It has a good effect on ulcers.
- Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant) For Diarrhea: Thotta Sinungi is very good in treating diarrhea. A study done on albino rats by inducing them to diarrhea using castor oil and treating them with Thotta Sinungi extract proved to be very effective in controlling diarrhea.
- Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant) Anti Diabetic Activity: Mimosa predicts anti-diabetic activity has been proven through research. The research was done using ethanolic extract but usually, the leaf powder or the root powder is taken daily for bringing down the blood sugar levels.
- Liver Protecting Activity of Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant) Mimosa Pudica: Another important medicinal use is the protection of the liver against toxins. it proved to be very effective in protecting the liver from toxicity.
- Antimicrobial, Anti Fungal & Anti Viral Properties Of Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant): Mimosa pudica has been proven for its anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. The research was done using different concentrations of the mimosa pudica ethanol extract on various fungi and bacteria and it proved to be very effective in controlling them.
- Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant) for Antifertility Activity: Mimosa pudica has proven to have anti-fertility properties. so if you are trying for pregnancy, never consume mimosa pudica in any form.
External Benefits of Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant / Sleepy Plant ):-
Mimosa Pudica For Piles: Mimosa Pudica is very good for treating bleeding piles and has been used as a remedy for it for many many years.
How to Consume Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant / Sleepy Plant ) Internally:-
Morning - Mix 5 gms of powder in 100 ml water, Boil the content for a few minutes. once the water gets warm, filter the content and drink it before food. Repeat the same for Evening Dosage after dinner.
How to Apply Thotta Sinungi (Sensitive Plant / Sleepy Plant ) Externally:-
Make it into a fine paste and apply it as a poultice, it will greatly ease the burning and bleeding. This is due to its amazing wound healing properties
Procurement & Agriculture Method:
90% of Our Herbs are Wild crops and 100% organic by nature, the remaining 10% are organically grown, dried, and pulverized with no chemical or preservatives.
The Consumption details and benefits listed out on our website are taken from Tamil ancient books and Siddha records, as well as its been further fine-tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Anyhow you are requested to consult your doctor before use.
தொட்டா சிணுங்கி மருத்துவ பயன்கள்:
- தோல்வியாதிகள் குணமடைய
- சிறுநீர் எரிச்சல்
- ஆண்மைகுறைபாடு
- நீரிழிவு நோய் குணமாகும்
- கை, கால் மூட்டு வீக்கம் குறையும்