Vilva pazham/ Bael Fruit Powder
Bael, also known as bilwa is a vital tree in Indian culture which is mostly planted around temples. This tree has many medicinal properties. The fruit is hard, woody, and smooth with sweet flesh inside that can be consumed fresh or dried.
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Botanical Name : Aegle Marmelos
English Name : Bael tree, Bengal Quince, golden apple, stone apple, wood apple
Tamil Name : வில்வ பழம் / Vilvai pazha podi
Hindi Name : बेला फल , श्रीफल, बेल फल / Bela phal, Sriphal , Bel phal
Malayalam Name : കൂവളം ഫലം / Koovalam phalam
Telugu Name : మారేడు పండు / Maredu Pandu
About Vilva pazham ( Bael tree/ Bengal Quince ):-
Bael, also known as bilwa is a vital tree in Indian culture which is mostly planted around temples. This tree has many medicinal properties. The fruit is hard, woody, and smooth with sweet flesh inside that can be consumed fresh or dried. They are also mixed with beverages and desserts with sugar or jaggery. Beal fruit, also known as wood apple, contains protein, beta-carotene, vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamin C.
Internal Benefits of Vilva pazham ( Bael tree/ Bengal Quince ):-
- Bael Fruit For Constipation: Consume bael fruit regularly to get rid of constipation. The fruit is so full of fiber that it treats constipation very quickly.
- Bael Fruit For Ulcerative Colitis: Bael fruit is a good remedy for Ulcerative Colitis
- Bael Fruit For Diabetes: Bael fruit is good even for diabetics because bael fruit keeps the insulin level stable. Bael fruit has a soothing effect on the stomach due to its high fiber content. Try to include bael fruit in the diet in moderation
- Bael Fruit Juice for Hair & Skin: Bael juice is one of the best ways to keep our skin and hair healthy. Try making and drinking bael juice.
- Bael Fruit for Diarrhea: Bael Fruit treating both constipation and dysentery depends on the ripeness of the fruit. Ripe bael fruit is used to treat constipation and unripe bael fruit is used to treat diarrhea.
- Bael Fruit For weight loss: Bael fruit is also ideal for including in weight loss plan as it keeps the blood sugar stable and keeps us satiated for a long time due to its high fiber content. Its main key to natural weight loss is peak digestion which can be easily attained with these amazing natural foods.
External Benefits of Vilva pazham (Bael tree/ Bengal Quince):-
How to Consume Vilva pazham ( Bael tree/ Bengal Quince ) Internally:-
Morning – Mix 5 gms of powder in 100 ml water, Boil the content for a few minutes. once the water gets warm, filter the content and drink it before food. Repeat the same for Evening Dosage after dinner.
How to Apply Vilva pazham ( Bael tree/ Bengal Quince) Externally:-
Procurement & Agriculture Method:
90% of Our Herbs are Wild crops and 100% organic by nature, the remaining 10% are organically grown, dried, and pulverized with no chemical or preservatives.
The Consumption details and benefits listed out on our website are taken from Tamil ancient books and Siddha records, as well as its been further fine-tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Anyhow you are requested to consult your doctor before use.
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