Vilvam ilai / Bael Leaves Powder
Bael, Vilva (in Tamil) is a sacred tree and for many Indians, the word Vilva will bring the image of Lord Shiva in their mind. It is a slender, aromatic gum-bearing tree that grows up to 18 meters in height. The tree bears gum and fruits have a smooth woody shell that turns yellow on maturity.
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Botanical Name : Aegle Marmelos
English Name : Bael
Tamil Name : வில்வம் / Vilvam
Hindi Name : बेल / बेल श्रीफल / बिल / बीले / बेलगिरी / बेल / Bael/ Bael Sripal/ Beel/ Beeley/ Beelgiri/ Bel/
Malayalam Name : വിൽവം / vilvam
Telugu Name : బిల్వ / బిల్వ-పండు / బిల్వచేట్టు / బిల్వము / మల్లారం / మేలురము / మారేడు / Bilva/ Bilva-pandu/ Bilvachettu/ Bilvamu/ Maluramu/ Maraedu
About Vilvam(Bael) :-
Bael, Vilva (in Tamil) is a sacred tree and for many Indians, the word vilva will bring the image of Lord Shiva in their mind. Vilva leaves are considered so sacred that elders usually advise us not to stamp or play with them. You will find vilva trees in most ancient temples, especially Shiva temples for using it in pooja. Every single part of vilva tree has medicinal values and if we know how to use them, we can easily use them in our daily lives and get amazing benefits.
The plant is commonly known as Bael, Bilva, Stone Apple, or wood apple. Vilvam is its Tamil name. Vilvam has unmatched medicinal values however the following precautions will be helpful to enjoy its benefits without any side effects. Vilvam should be avoided by pregnant women.
Internal Benefits of Vilvam (Bael):-
- Vilvam leaves extract is helpful in increasing immunity and is effective against seasonal diseases like cough, cold, and fever.
- Children often get sick during cold weather. As per ancient medicine, Vilvam extract is safe for children and can be given to them during such infections.
- Vilvam is rich in fiber which makes it a wonderful laxative. It has tannins that help relieve diarrhea, cholera, and other digestive disorders.
- Vilvam has antioxidant properties as well due to which it helps remove toxins from the body and improve overall metabolism.
- Vilvam is also known for its property to regulate thyroid secretion thereby maintaining normal thyroid function and preventing hyperthyroidism.
- Vilvam is hepato-protective in nature and hence protects the liver from injuries and keeps it healthy. Because of this property, it is highly recommended in case of liver infections like cirrhosis, jaundice, and other liver disorders. Vilvam is also found to have Ulcer healing potential.
- Vilvam has hypoglycaemic properties. It reduces oxidative stress on the pancreas by reducing the free radicals and increasing the level of antioxidants thereby reducing the risk of diabetes. Regular use of Vilvam has shown good results in diabetic patients.
External Benefits of Vilvam (Bael):-
- Vilvam leaves have phytochemicals that help maintain blood pressure. It has a soothing effect on the body and hence a fine paste of Vilvam leaves applied on the forehead relieves headache.
- Vilvam is anti-inflammatory in nature and hence it is highly effective in both chronic and acute inflammation. Vilvam leaf paste applied on the inflamed part provides quick relief from inflammation.
- A concoction of Vilvam leaves with salt and carom is found to be highly effective in curing allergies caused by food products. The said combination is also known to relieve skin allergies.
How to consume Vilvam (Bael) Internally:-
- Morning - Mix 5 gms of powder in 100 ml water, Boil the content for a few minutes. once the water gets warm, filter the content and drink it before food. Repeat the same for Evening Dosage after dinner.
How to Apply Vilvam (Bael) Externally:-
- Add a few drops of lemon in the paste, effective for pimples & scars
Procurement & Agriculture Method :-
90% of Our Herbs are Wild crops and 100% organic by nature, the remaining 10% are organically grown, dried, and pulverized with no chemical or preservatives.
The Consumption details and benefits listed out on our website are taken from Tamil ancient books and Siddha records, as well as its been further fine-tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Anyhow you are requested to consult your doctor before use.